This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Norwegian Business Association China events.

Here is our last call for your registration on NBA's dinner event in September, to be held in Westin Hotel Bund Center.


  • 5:30 pm - Registration
  • 6:00 pm - Dinner
  • 7:00 pm - Presentation and Q&A
  • 8:15 pm - Networking

"This complex and massively disrupted time is stress-testing even the best of leaders and leadership teams. Effective leadership has never been more difficult and more critical. Each of us is challenged to up-level our game and that of everyone we lead. Our organizations now require a very high level of collective intelligence and effectiveness throughout the organization. As leaders, our job is scale leadership capable of creating an emergent, thriving future in a highly volatile, uncertain and ambiguous business context."


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