This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Norwegian Business Association China events.

Team Norway in Shanghai is pleased to present the new report on Norwegian companies in China, commissioned by the Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai and developed in close cooperation with Innovation Norway, the Norwegian Seafood Council, and the Norwegian Business Association in China, along with all Team Norway stakeholders in China.

挪威驻上海团队很高兴在挪威驻上海总领事馆委托下, 与挪威创新署、挪威海产局、挪威商会以及所有挪威 企业密切合作,与挪威团队在中国的利益相关者一道 推出有关挪威在华企业的最新报告。

Date & time: 15:00 – 16:00, Thu 23 May 2024

时间:2024年5月23日周四下午三点 – 四点

Place: Stage, Block 6, The Inlet (address below) 今潮8弄,六号楼二楼,有戏堂(地址见下方)


14:45 Registration 签到


-Welcome remarks by Consul General Lise Nordgaard 挪威总领事致欢迎辞

-Introductory remarks by State Secretary Tore O. Sandvik 国务秘书做介绍性发言

-Presentation of Business Report by Deloitte China 德勤中国报告

-Panel discussion 圆桌讨论

Håkon Haugli, CEO Innovation Norway

Christian Chramer, CEO Norwegian Seafood Council

Martin Wernli, Chair Norwegian Business Association China

-Moderator: Henning Kristoffersen, Innovation Norway China