Both China and the whole world is experiencing great transformations. Over the past four decades, China has been moving towards market economy, globalization and Americanization. Now China has to make changes, given the middle-income trap, Sino-us fierce competition, and domestic challenges like housing bubble and widening wealth gap. The next five years will be a window to observe where China will go. From now to 2035, China will have new characteristics you need to examine carefully.
We are very excited to host our dinner event with the high-level speaker Mr. Liu Shengjun, Director of National Affairs Financial Reform Institute speaking about "China Outlook 2021-2035" on Thursday, June 24th.
You are hereby invited to attend the event to be held 18:30-21:00 at Pudong Shangri-La with Inter-Chambers' guests.
On this event, Mr. Liu will share his insights about the following points and hold a Q&A session.
Venue: F-3, Suzhou-Wuxi Room, River Wing, Pudong Shangri-La|浦东香格里拉大酒店浦江楼3楼苏州-无锡厅
Participation: Free for members; 600RMB/non-members (Western buffet and drinks are served)
Registration: Please sign up by June 21st. For participation of equal opportunities to all members, cancellation notice is required at least 3 days prior to the event by contacting