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We are pleased to invite you to the Norway-China Green Transition Forum 2025, a high-level forum dedicated to fostering deeper collaboration between Norway and China in the transition toward a sustainable and green future. Organized in partnership with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in China, Innovation Norway, and the Norwegian Business Association China, the forum will take place on March 20, 2025, in Beijing.

Building on the momentum from Norway's Prime Minister's visit to China in 2024, this event will bring together leaders from Norwegian and Chinese companies, policymakers, and innovators to explore opportunities for cooperation in green technologies across key sectors, including maritime, energy, hydrogen, circular economy, agriculture etc. The forum aims to facilitate dialogue and partnerships by enabling the exchange of ideas, strategies, and solutions for addressing global environmental challenges and accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy.

The forum will be attended by His Excellency Mr. Vebjørn Dysvik, Ambassador of Norway to China, along with key representatives from Chinese government bodies and industry leaders from both countries, featuring insights from leading companies and policy experts on regulatory frameworks, industry trends, and best practices for advancing sustainable solutions. Discussions will explore the latest advancements in green transformation, highlighting case studies and collaborative projects from Norwegian and Chinese enterprises that showcase the impact of cross-border cooperation in achieving sustainability goals.

Following the forum, guests will be invited for a reception hosted by the Royal Norwegian Embassy, offering an opportunity for further networking. This gathering will provide a unique chance for business leaders, policymakers, and industry experts to connect and strengthen bilateral ties, reinforcing the commitment of Norway and China to green transition and sustainable development.

We look forward to welcoming you to this important event, where we will collectively explore new pathways toward a greener, more sustainable future.

Date: 20 March 2025

Time: 13:30-20:30

Venue: 4F, Ballroom 1, Intercontinental Hotel Beijing Sanlitun

No.1 South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing



挪威王国驻华大使 戴伟恩先生将出席论坛,同时中方政府机构代表及两国行业领袖也将参与其中。论坛将分享领先企业和政策专家在监管框架、行业趋势及推进可持续解决方案最佳实践方面的见解。讨论将聚焦绿色转型的最新进展,展示挪威与中国企业在跨境合作中实现可持续发展目标的案例与合作项目。





地点:4楼大宴会厅1 北京三里屯通盈中心洲际酒店






Ms. Tone Helene Aarvik

Economic Counsellor, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing



Mr. Marc Courtemanche

Chairperson of Norwegian Business Association China / Country President at Equinor China


Mr. Henning Kristoffersen

Commercial counsellor of Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing / Country Director of Innovation Norway China




Ms. Tone Helene Aarvik

Economic Counsellor, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing



Mr. Marc Courtemanche

Chairperson of Norwegian Business Association China / Country President at Equinor China


Mr. Henning Kristoffersen

Commercial counsellor of Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing / Country Director of Innovation Norway China


Opening remark 开幕致辞


Mr. Vebjørn Dysvik, Ambassador of Norway to China 挪威王国驻华大使戴伟恩先生

Mr. Qin Kun, Division Director of the Green Development Promotion Division, Department of Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection, National Development and Reform Commission国家发改委资源节约和环境保护司绿色发展推进处处长勤坤先生

Green Transition - Outlook 前景展望

13:46-14:01 Development Outlook of China's Green Transition during the Fifteenth Five-Year-Plan, Mr. Wu Mouyuan, Vice President of CNPC Economic & Technology Research Institute. 中国绿色能源转型"十五五"发展形势展望,中国石油集团经济技术研究院副院长吴谋远先生

14:02-14:17 International Collaboration for Green Transition, Mr. Zhou Weidong, Head of the China Office, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), 国际合作促进绿色转型, 世界可持续发展工商理事会中国办公室负责人周卫东先生

14:18-14:33 China's macro policy factors leading the way for deeper future collaboration on the green transition, Mr. Hailin Wang, Project Leader, China Macro Group (CMG) 中国宏观发展战略与政策改革以及其对绿色转型外资企业的启示, China Macro Group项目经理王海林先生


Green Transition - Energy 能源

14:40-14:55 Hydrogen – challenges going from grey to green, Mr. Jan Henrik Kuhlefelt, CEO, Hydrogen Pro 氢能——从灰色到绿色的挑战, 汉卓浦(天津)氢能科技有限公司首席执行官Jan Henrik Kuhlefelt先生

14:56-15:11 China-EU energy cooperation leads the world's energy transition, Mr. Xinlei Zhu, Partner, Country Manager China, Rystad Energy, 中欧能源合作引领世界能源转型,睿咨得能源合伙人, 中国区总经理朱新磊先生


Green Transition – Digitalization 数字化

15:16-15:31 Green Transition and Digitalization, Mr. Haifeng Wu, Vice President of Kongsberg Digital AS, General Manager of Kongsberg Digital China 绿色转型与数字化, 康士伯数字全球副总裁兼中国公司总经理吴海锋先生

15:32-15:47 AI Driven Innovation for Sustainability, Mr. Tony Fang, VP of Alibaba Cloud International, Head of International Industry Solution Development

人工智能驱动的可持续创新, 阿里云国际业务副总裁、行业解决方案研发总经理方海东先生

15:48-16:03 Empowered by Technology, Green Rise – Building a High-Quality Development Demonstration Zone, Ms. Yu Hongling, Vice Director, Yantai Hi-Tech Industry Development Zone 科技赋能 绿色崛起 打造高质量发展示范区 烟台高新区工委委员、管委副主任于红绫女士

16:04 -16:19 Deep Blue Empowerment · Zero-Carbon Future – CIMC Raffles' Innovative Exploration and Practice in Offshore New Energy, Mr. Zhang Yuefeng, Director of the Strategic Office, Strategic R&D Center, CIMC Raffles深蓝赋能·零碳未来——烟台中集来福士海洋科技集团, 战略研发中心办公室主任, 张月峰先生


16:27-16:42 Coffee Break 茶歇

Green Transition - Agriculture 农业

16:43-16:58 Strategies to reduce emissions in agriculture, Ms. Sabrina Zhou, Food Chain and Regenerative Agriculture Manager, Yara International 减少农业排放的策略, 雅苒价值链和再生农业经理周晓薇女士

16:59-17:14 Ensuring Food Security in China: The Transformation to Green and Low-Carbon Agri-Food Systems, Ms. Meng Ting, Associate Professor of the Academy of Global Food Economics and Policy at China Agricultural University中国食物安全现状与农食系统绿色低碳转型,中国农业大学全球食物经济与政策研究院研究员 孟婷副教授

17:15-17:30 New productive forces contribute to the green transformation of agriculture, Mr. Fu Chunjie, Head of Soil Health, Syngenta Group 新质生产力助力农业绿色转型, 先正达集团中国厚圃土壤健康负责人傅春杰先生


Green Transition - Environmental, Social, and Governance 环境、社会和治理

17:37-17:52 An introduction on ESG and Dual carbon requirement for companies in Global Supply Chains, Mr. Jason Geng, Business Development Manager, Supply Chain & Sustainability Service, DNV SCPA Greater China 全球供应链及贸易对企业ESG及双碳要求介绍, 耿天先生 DNV供应链及可持续发展服务 - 业务发展经理


Green Transition - Summary 总结

17:55-18:10 Equinor's Energy Transition – Sustainability and local ripple effects, Mr. Marc Courtemanche, President of Equinor China, Equinor的能源转型——可持续性与本地涟漪效应, 挪威国家石油公司中国区负责人马克先生


18:12-18:30 Walk to the Embassy 步行至大使馆

18:30-20:30 Reception at the Norwegian Embassy 挪威驻华大使馆招待会 (By Invitation 凭邀请函出席)



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